
Friday, June 24, 2011

Bachelor's Degree

One way to accoplish something is to set goals.  Goals should be meaningful and realistic.  On May 27, 2011, I signed up to an Independent Consultant with Close To My Heart.  After reviewing the different trainings the company offers, I decided my first goal would be to have my Bachelor's degree before the end of my first month as a consultant.

On Friday, June 24th at around 9pm, I finished the last of my video training sessions for the Bachelor's degree!  I reached my first goal!  Yeah!!!!

It is important to celebrate each goal achieved and then to focus on the next goal. 

Now, onto goal #2: Master's degree. 

Write your goals down.  Put them where you can see them daily.  Share those goals with others so they can encourage you when you are down and challenge you to reach those goals.  What goals do you have?  Are they professional? personal? relational?

Whatever they are, write them down~ How about doing a scrapbook page layout about your goals? 

Happy Scrapbooking & Stamping!

Friday, June 17, 2011

A Few Cards I've Made

Apron Father's Day Card for my brother
Luky Paper Kit

"You're Great" card
Lucky Paper Kit

Rosy Regards - 2nd Generation Technique
Retirement card for our school secretary

Sophia and an old novel
Lucky Paper Kit


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Father's Day

Father's Day is just around the corner and thus another year of celebrating my MOTHER for Father's Day.  On Saturday, I will get to see my brother and his family to celebrate him being a great father.  On Sunday, I get to let my mom know how wonderful she is.  My father chose not to stick around (no sympathies needed, I'm ok with it and he made the choice).  My mom on the other hand, worked very hard, sometimes 2 and 3 jobs, to support my younger brother and me.  She did the duty of both mom and dad.  She was the parent, the friend, the punisher, the kiss-it-where-it-hurts, and the tear wiper.  Never did she complain.  Never did she ask for anything in return. 

As I have gotten older, she has continued to be my biggest fan and supporter.  When I have news to share (good or bad) she is the one I call.  If I need help with something, I turn to her.  She can cook/bake like no one's business, write an amazing story, love, fix the sink, diagnosis pains, ease heart aches, support her community, encourage others, find the best deal, figure out wireless adaptors, and babysit grand kids without breaking a sweat.  She is by far the most talented woman I have ever known. 

With her by my side, I can do anything.  God blessed me more than I deserve when He gave me to her. 

Happy Father's Day MOM!  I love you!

Monday, June 6, 2011

First Day of Summer

Good Morning Everyone! 

Hope you are all enjoying your first day of Summer 2011.  I slept in this morning and it fel to good!  But, now I am up and am so excited to get my blog running. 

About a week ago, I joined Close To My Heart as an Independent Consultant.  I wasn't looking for a home-based business, it just sort of happened.  Here's the story:  In December I was at a friend's house, working on some cards and scrapbook stuff when I saw this catalog.  My friend was working like a little bee and I was a bit on the bored side so I picked up the catalog and started thumbing through.  I have never liked stamps because I couldn't see where I was putting an image and that terrified me.  But Holy Cow ~ these images were see through!  What's the name of this company? And how can I get my hands on these cute stamps? Immediately I asked my friend where she got it and asked if that person was still selling the product. The catalog was the Fall/Winter Idea Book from Close To My Heart and alas, no, the girl was no longer selling the product.  So, I got onto the Close To My Heart website and searched for a consultant. 

I found Sarah, unassuming and very patient.  She invited me over for a crop at her house and I went.  Sarah and two of her sisters were so nice! The walked me through all kinds of tips, tricks, and techniques.  I was hooked right then and there.  So, I placed an order.  And I've been placing an order every month ~ with each month's order getting larger and larger! 

It has been a very long time since I was excited about something.  In fact, my creative juices were flowing so much, I sketch out card designs while my students were doing their assignments.  In May, I noticed that Close To My Heart was having a great sale - 50% off the consultant kit.  HOLY COW 50% OFF!!!  Not only was it 1/2 off, I knew I'd get to choose the three items I wanted, plus I got an extra kit that I already had and loved.  Well, I called up Sarah and said "I think it is time for me to sign up!"  She was as sweet and patient as ever.  I received my consultant kit and I'm so very excited!

Now, I'm an Indpenednt Consultant for Close To My Heart!  I'm ready to start hosting Gatherings and sharing all the fun possibilities of these amazing products!  My first Gathering is coming up, so stay tuned for the details!